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SatyaCheck Pre-Matrimony Investigations - Look Before You Leap!

SatyaCheck Pre-Matrimony Investigations - Look Before You Leap!

By Admin | 13 Mar, 2019

Are you or someone in your family planning to tie the knot this season? In that case, are you absolutely sure about the personal, professional and financial background of the prospective in-laws? This is the question that stumps most people before a wedding. In India, parents and relatives often fix marriages as per their wishes. While they may have some information about the prospective bride/groom or their family, many important pieces of information and details are often overlooked or not considered important. These undisclosed truths can later raise their ugly heads and terminate a marriage but by then it’s too late. No wonder divorce rates in the country have shot up remarkably in the last few years.

In today’s age, it is quite difficult to trust people on their word, especially when you intend to build a lifelong partnership that can affect the happiness and well-being of your loved ones. Therefore, getting a pre-matrimony background investigation done is absolutely necessary. The most efficient way to get a background verification done is through the services of a professional detective. These detectives are highly skilled and have the resources and technology to carry out thorough checks on the other party. Currently there are several pre-matrimonial detective agencies in Delhi that conduct pre-marriage verification for clients. However, many clients are not comfortable sharing their own information or too much details with the detectives for fear of blackmail or revelation of the fact that investigations are being conducted by them which could lead to loss of reputation and trust. This is where SatyaCheck comes to the rescue.

SatyaCheck is currently the only online portal in India that provides clients with access to top detective agencies and detectives without taking their personal information. To register on Satyacheck, all you need is an email id. You can also create a temporary one for this purpose. No Aadhar or PAN details are taken. This means that the detectives working on your case never get to know who the client is. There are no direct face-to-face meetings with the detective, thus removing any fear of blackmail or disclosure of any kind. The entire process is online and is handled by a trained SatyaCheck operator who acts as mediator between the anonymous client and the detective. All you have to do is register, post your case on and select the detective agency you wish to employ. All detectives offered by Satyacheck are members of the APDI - Association of Private Detectives and Investigators. The rest of the process is handled by the agency and SatyaCheck with regular updates to the client on the progress of the case. Once the investigation is over, the final report with evidence is submitted to the client online.

So what are you waiting for? Register your case and get a proper pre-matrimony background verification done by certified detectives before tying the knot. Ensure that you get the right partner for yourself or your loved one, with 100% anonymity.

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